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Advertisement for a promotional flyer for a Hip Hop single named Lowkey

Advertisement for party held by the University of Miami Omega fraternity at JJ's Diner in Coral Gables, FL.

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Advertisement for "Marley Music Fest"  honoring the music of Bob Marley. A Reggae concert and musical festival in Tallhassee, FL

Advertisement for a promotional flyer for a Hip Hop single named Hottest In The City

Advertisement for "Larry Dogg aka Street Dogg DVD", a DVD featuring several Miami celebrities.

Advertisement for "Juicy Dilemmaz: 2y Da Dilemma B'day Bash", a party held at Club G's & Gents in Miami, FL.

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Advertisement for religious services at United Methodist Church of Orlando, in downtown Orlando

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Advertisement for the First Saturday party at Cleo's nightclub in Orlando, FL.

Advertisement for "DJ Khaled Birthday Celebration" a party held at Club Mansion in Miami Beach,FL on November 23, 2005.
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