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The Nimbus 2001 is a black racing broom with silver stirrups, and it was produced by the Nimbus Racing Broom Company. Originally released in 1992, it was considered the fastest broom is existence until the Firebolt was released in 1993.

The Devil’s Snare is a dangerous plant composed of many tendrils and vines that can strangle any who touch them. Struggling or resistance only increases the amount of constriction. Due to its fatal properties, it has been used to protect valuable…

A set of parchment and quills are required materials for all seven first year courses. They are not required for flying lessons.

Cuthbert Binns is the professor that teaches History of Magic. He is the only professor at Hogwarts that is a ghost. It is said that he died in his sleep, but showed up to teach the next day in his ghostly form. Many students find Professor Binns to…

Wormwood is a bitter herb and is a common ingredient in Potions courses. Muggles also use wormwood in medicines, as a decorative plant, and in the production of alcoholic beverages such as absinthe. 

Minerva McGonagall is the professor of Transfiguration, as well as the Head of Gryffindor house. She is an animagus and can sometimes be seen in her animal form as a gray tabby cat. Although she is known to be very just and fair, many students…

Wands are a required material for Transfiguration, Potions, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Herbology. Wands can be made from a variety of different woods, such as elm or cedar. They also contain a core made from unique materials such as…

Madam Rolanda Hooch is the flying instructor at Hogwarts. She also referees Quidditch matches and is in-charge of all broom-related activities at the school. She is well-known for her hawk-yellow eyes.

Pomona Sprout is the Herbology professor at Hogwarts and the Head of Hufflepuff House. As a herbologist, Professor Sprout is an expert in both benign and dangerous plants.

Textbook used in a first year's transfiguration class
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