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Textbook used in a first year's transfiguration class

A History of Magic was written by Bathilda Bagshot in 1947. It is the primary textbook used in the History of Magic class taught by Professor Cuthbert Binns and is one of only three required materials in the class, alongside parchment and quills.

A cauldron is required equipment for Potions class. It is used to brew and hold potions.

A view of the Charms classroom for Hogwarts students, located in the South Tower.

Cuthbert Binns is the professor that teaches History of Magic. He is the only professor at Hogwarts that is a ghost. It is said that he died in his sleep, but showed up to teach the next day in his ghostly form. Many students find Professor Binns to…

The Devil’s Snare is a dangerous plant composed of many tendrils and vines that can strangle any who touch them. Struggling or resistance only increases the amount of constriction. Due to its fatal properties, it has been used to protect valuable…

In his very first flying lesson at Hogwarts, Harry Potter was revealed to be phenomenal on a broom as he chased down his friend Neville Longbottom's Remembrall.


Magical Drafts and Potions was written by Arsenius Jigger sometime before 1991. It is a required textbook for Potions courses at Hogwarts, as well as Defense Against the Dark Arts, as it contains cures for various poisons and reversals of certain…

Minerva McGonagall is the professor of Transfiguration, as well as the Head of Gryffindor house. She is an animagus and can sometimes be seen in her animal form as a gray tabby cat. Although she is known to be very just and fair, many students…
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