Browse Items (101 total)

Exterior of National Library of South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa. Front facade of the building. Front facade of building is done in the neoclassical.

Exterior British Library. London, United Kingdom. A close-up of the library's entrance is shown.

Exterior Liyuan Library. Huairou, Beijing, China. The outside of the library is shown from a side view, focusing on the wood design of the exterior.

Exterior Liyuan Library. Huairou, Beijing, China. The outside of the library is shown from the side, focusing on the scenery surrounding the building.

Interior Liyuan Library. Huairou, Beijing, China. The loft level inside the library is shown.

Interior Liyuan Library. Huairou, Beijing, China. A reading room inside the library is shown, focused on a reader and the wood window panneling.

Exterior Library of Congress. Ottowa, Ontario, Canada. An external image of the circular building.

Interior Admont Abbey. Admont, Austria. A close-up shot of a sculpture in the library is visible.

Interior Tūranga Library. Christchurch, New Zealand. The children's section of the library is in the photo.

Exterior State Library of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. The front of the library shown from afar is in the photo.
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