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Interior State Library of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. The Mortlock Wing of the library is in the photo.

Interior Admont Abbey. Admont, Austria. This picture shows the intricate detail visible on all surfaces of the library, from the ceiling frescoes, to the checkered floors.

Exterior Mafra Palace. Mafra, Portugal. The grand entrance of Mafra Palace is visible.

Interior of the Port Elizabeth Library. Zoom of the dome inside the library. Dome is made of glass and steel.

Interior Tūranga Library. Christchurch, New Zealand. The Discovery Wall is in the photo.

Interior Trinity College. Dublin, Ireland. The exterior of the library is shown, along with a sculpture on the greens.

Exterior Biblioteca y Arquivo de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. A detail shot of the library's entrance is shown.

Exterior Biblioteca y Arquivo de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The striking architecture shapes of the library is visible in this photograph.

Interior Biblioteca y Arquivo de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Along with the library's bookshelves, the unique ceiling is visible.

Interior Biblioteca y Arquivo de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. More bookshelves and winding architecture can be seen.
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