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Macquarie University_Oceania_Exterior_2_W.jpg
Exterior Macquarie University Library. Macquarie Park, Australia. The back of the library is in the photo.

Macquarie University_Oceania_Interior_1_W.jpg
Interior Macquarie University Library. Macquarie Park, Australia. The lobby of the library is in the photo.

Macquarie University_Oceania_Interior_2_W.jpg
Interior Macquarie University Library. Macquarie Park, Australia. The stairs and a reading area in the library is in the photo.

Exterior Mafra Palace. Mafra, Portugal. The grand entrance of Mafra Palace is visible.

Exterior Mafra Palace. Mafra, Portugal. An exterior shot of the palace, focused on the gardens at the palace's center.

Interior Mafra Palace. Mafra, Portugal. The reading room of the library is visible, along with the detailed architecture carried over from the rest of the palace interior.

Interior Mafra Palace. Mafra, Portugal. A close-up of the built-in bookshelves' intricate structure and labeling is visible.

Front facade of the Port Elizabeth library in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Front facade presents a Victorian Gothic style of architecture.

Exterior of the library. Part of the library's front facade and tower are shown in the photo. The words "memorial" and "hall" are shown and legible.

Exterior of the Port Elizabeth Library. Zoom of turret of library.
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