Browse Items (101 total)

Exterior State Library of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. The front of the library shown from close-up is in the photo.

Interior State Library of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. The main reading room of the library is in the photo.

Interior State Library of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. One wall of books in the main reading room of the library is in the photo.

Exterior State Library of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. The Mortlock Wing of the library is in the photo.

Exterior State Library of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. The entrance to the library is in the photo.

Interior State Library of South Australia. Adelaide, Australia. The Mortlock Wing of the library is in the photo.

Exterior Stuttgart City Library. Stuttgart, Germany. The cube-shaped library's exterior is visible in this picture.

Exterior Stuttgart City Library. Stuttgart, Germany. A nighttime view the library's exterior is visible.

Interior Stuttgart City Library. Stuttgart, Germany. A wide-shot of the library's clean and modern interior is shown.

Exterior Suva City Library. Suva, Fiji. The entrance to the library is in the photo.
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