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Interior Musashino Art University Library. Tokyo, Japan. The bookshelves of the interior of the library are shown.

Interior Musashino Art University Library. Tokyo, Japan. The inside steps leading to a section of the library is shown.

Exterior Malek National Library and Museum. Tehran, Iran. The outside of the library is shown from a direct view.

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Exterior Mafra Palace. Mafra, Portugal. An exterior shot of the palace, focused on the gardens at the palace's center.

Interior Mafra Palace. Mafra, Portugal. A close-up of the built-in bookshelves' intricate structure and labeling is visible.

Interior State Library of New South Wales. Sydney, Australia. The main reading room of the library is in the photo.

Interior Stuttgart City Library. Stuttgart, Germany. A wide-shot of the library's clean and modern interior is shown.

Interior Hong Kong Central Library. Hong Kong, China. The interior center of the library is shown, focusing on the varying levels of the library.

Exterior Taipei Public Library. Beitou, Taipei, Taiwan. A photo of the exterior of the building is shown from a deep, side angle view.

Exterior Taipei Public Library. Beitou, Taipei, Taiwan. The outside of the library is shown.
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