The Sega Genesis, known in Japan as the Sega Megadrive, was developed by Sega and released in 1988. It was Sega's best selling console selling over 30 million units before it was discontinued in 1997.
The Sega Genesis Nomad is a portable version of the Sega Genesis, released in 1995. It sold approximately 1 million units, far below Sega's projections and was discontinued in 1999.
The Sega Master System, known as the Sega Mark III in Japan, was developed by Sega and released in 1985. It sold approximately 13 million units before being discontinued in 1992.
The Sega SG-1000 is a home video game console manufactured by Sega originally released in 1983 marking the company's entry into the home video game console market. It sold over 2 million units before it was discontinued in 1984.
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System is a video game console developed by Nintendo in 1990 as a successor to the Nintendo Entertainment System. It sold over 50 million units before being discontinued in 1998.