On January 21, 2017, the day after Inauguration Day, millions of women participated in the Women's March on Washington and its afilliated events held in locations around the world. in the words of the organizers, the march was intendeed to "send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights." This digital library seeks to capture documentary evidence of these historic events.
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Feminism Is The Radical Notion That Women Are People

Image of protest sign with the words, "Feminism Is The Radical Notion That Women Are People" from the 2017 Women's March.
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Donald Trump, Sashay Away

Image of protest sign being held with the words “Donald Trump, Sashay Away" in multicolored bubble letters.
Love Trumps Hate

Image of protest sign being held with the words “Love Trumps Hate" along with a red heart. The letters of the word "Love" are rainbow colored.
Whichever - Just Wash Your Hands

Image of protest sign being held with a picture of restroom genders with text saying, “Whichever - Just Wash Your Hands”