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My grandparents, father, and aunt, ca. 1935. I don't know all the details, but apparently my grandfather spent much of the '20s working construction in the States, and would go back to Italy periodically. I guess Pops was conceived on one of those…

Nick Grillo, as a boy in Italy, dreamed of America and its opportunity, Southington, Connecticut. He saved enough money for boat passage to this country. Today, after 22 years, he is one of the world's outstanding flori-culturists, developer of the…

Italian Woman
An unnamed Italian woman arriving to Ellis Island.

Jennifer Brown Hills posted to Facebook her Italian grandparent's story and photo. Jennifer's grandfather, who survived a German interment camp, left Italy after World War II and immigrated to the U.S. He then sent for his wife, Annina, and their…

Frederica Pipoca Bianco, an immigrant from Italy, posted to Facebook her immigration story along with a photo. Frederica celebrates her naturalization, talks of religious freedom, and the U.S. constitution.

Jennifer Brown Hills posted to Facebook her Italian grandparent's story and photo. Annina with her three children, Francesco, Giovanni, and Michelina after World War II.

Frederica Pipoca Bianco, an immigrant from Italy, posted to Facebook a photo with her naturalization certificate, along with her story.
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