Browse Items (30 total)

The bells rang on Armistice Day 1920 in the 11th hour, and two minutes of silence followed. One minute for the soldiers that had fought in the Great War and had come back. The second for those who did not. Those unfortunate souls that had been left…

A song expressing the words of one of the many unknown soldiers who perished in The Great War

An analysis of the lyrics of the song "Devil Dogs" by Sabaton

An account of the Battle of Belleau Wood on 1–26 June 1918

Analysis of Sabatons song Blood of Bannockburn, about the First War of Scottish Independence and one of its key figures, Robert the Bruce.

Song by Swedish heavy metal group Sabaton.

An analysis of the lyrics of the song "A Ghost in the Trenches" by Sabaton

A song about the most decorated aboriginal soldier in Canadian history, Francis Pegahmagabow.

An analysis of the lyrics of the song "82nd All the Way" by Sabaton

In 1918, Alvin York from Tennessee led the 82nd Infantry Division against the German defensive machine gun nests on Hill 223.
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