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Frederica Pipoca Bianco, an immigrant from Italy, posted to Facebook her immigration story along with a photo. Frederica celebrates her naturalization, talks of religious freedom, and the U.S. constitution.

Frederica Pipoca Bianco, an immigrant from Italy, posted to Facebook a photo with her naturalization certificate, along with her story.

Henry Kohls marries Anna Loeche in Dubuque County, Iowa. Henry immigrated from Germany a year earlier in 1900.

Jennifer Brown Hills posted to Facebook her Italian grandparent's story and photo. Jennifer's grandfather, who survived a German interment camp, left Italy after World War II and immigrated to the U.S. He then sent for his wife, Annina, and their…

Protesters marched for International Workers Day on May Day. They marched from Nicollet and Lake Street in south Minneapolis to Powderhorn Park. The people marched to call for workers' rights and to protest issues such as immigration raids and…

About 3000 people gathered in Powderhorn Park to stand in solidarity with immigrants and refugees. The protesters spoke against Donald Trump's immigration ban and the increasing militarization at the US-Mexico border. After a brief rally in the park,…

Shannon Coppa posted a photo and story of her refugee great grandparent's family from the Ottoman Empire.

Senior Airman Deng Deng, a logistics management specialist with the 319th Logistics Readiness Squadron at Grand Forks Air Force Base, ND on Sept 2, 2009. When he was 14 years old, he was one of the "Lost Boys of the Sudan" that were allowed to…

Shannon Coppa posted a photo and story of her refugee great grandparent's family. They fled the Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide
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