Browse Items (25 total)

A woman sits in a chair holding a pastel pink, green, blue, and yellow striped knitted garment. She is holding a knitting needle in her right hand.

The letters HOGSM are stitched in beige thread on a white piece of cloth enclosed in an embroidery hoop. The hoop sits on a green background.

A pair of silver scissors, a ring of spooled threads, and a package of needles of various sizes are shown on a green background.

Tara always had a love for photography, but the pandemic gave her more time to explore. Her grandparents recently moved to her city and her grandpa gave her his old collection of film cameras. She was able to compile all of her equipment and display…

Savannah got into sewing during the pandemic after seeing multiple tik tok videos of sewing creations. She was extremely bored during quarantine and decided to ask for a sewing machine for her birthday (which happened in the middle of quarantine).…

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A round, wooden frame containing a cross stitch of a unicorn with a rainbow mane. The frame sits on a stand.

A framed cross-stitch of three flowers with petals.

A picture of a houseplant (tradescantia zebrina "wandering dude") on a shelf.

A picture of a page in a bullet journal

A picture of freshly made bread
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