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The Alicanto is a bird-like cryptid that is said to be found in Chilean mythology. The Alicanto is said to have glowing feathers and eyes that illuminate in strange colors. It is unable to fly as the Alicanto eats precious metals, like gold or…

This creature is alleged to have yellow eyes, a wolf-like muzzle, blue fur, sharp teeth, bird-like feet and bat-like wings that span up to fifty feet.

Sighted near Mount St. Helens in the 1980s. It resembles a flying primate, similar to the Ahool…

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is reportedly an ape-like creature that inhabits the forests of the Pacific Northwest. It is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal creature. Bigfoot ranges from six to ten feet tall, can weigh up to 500…

Borinkus, also called Johnnie, is a Cryptid seen in the St Johns River in Central and North Florida. He has been described as a "serpent-like" creature.

Cadborosaurus, nicknamed Caddy, is a sea serpent in the folklore of regions of the Pacific Coast of North America. Its name is derived from Cadboro Bay in Greater Victoria, British Columbia.

There have been more than 300 claimed sightings during…

The chickcharney is a creature of both great fortune and despair.
This creature has been described as a giant barn owl with protruding claws and a long tail. Some accounts claim that it has a human face and can be as tall as three feet. It has…

As far as cryptids go, the chupacabra is relatively young compared to its counterparts. Its first sighting was in Puerto Rico in 1995.

The chupacabra drinks the blood of its victims, like a vampire, though its primary targets are dogs, goats, and…

El Duende is found in Latin American and Filipino folklore. It is believed that duendes are goblin- or fairy-like creatures; sometimes living in the walls of children's bedrooms. El Duende would sometimes take the children's toys or attempt to clip…

An ape-like creature similar to Bigfoot, the Fouke Monster has attained notoriety through its depiction in the docudrama horror, The Legend of Boggy Creek.

A half-goat half-man creature that has the head and hindquarters of a goat and the body of a human.

According to urban legend, the Goatman is an ax-wielding half-animal, half-man creature that was once a scientist who worked in the Beltsville…


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