North American Cryptids

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North American Cryptids

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Hellhounds are supernatural dogs of exceptional strength and size and appear in the folklore of many different cultures, including Greek mythology and Central American folklore (known as a ‘cadejo’). Common features that are attributed to…

Ozark Howler
The Ozark Howler is reported to have been seen in the Ozark Mountain regions of Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. The Howler is typically described as a black colored, bear-like, stocky creature, with glowing red eyes, and prominently long…

Skunk Ape
The Skunk Ape is described as a bipedal ape-like creature that is purported to roam and inhabit forests and swamps of the southeastern United States, specifically Florida. The Skunk Ape is named for its unpleasant odor and odd look, vaguely…

A half-goat half-man creature that has the head and hindquarters of a goat and the body of a human.

According to urban legend, the Goatman is an ax-wielding half-animal, half-man creature that was once a scientist who worked in the Beltsville…

Borinkus, or "Johnnie"
Borinkus, also called Johnnie, is a Cryptid seen in the St Johns River in Central and North Florida. He has been described as a "serpent-like" creature.

Mothman is a Cryptid of West Virginian folklore.

Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is reportedly an ape-like creature that inhabits the forests of the Pacific Northwest. It is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal creature. Bigfoot ranges from six to ten feet tall, can weigh up to 500…

Loveland Frog
The Loveland Frog comes from Ohio folklore and is said to be a four-foot tall bipedal frog creature with various sightings occurring in and around Loveland, Ohio. The first sighting of the Loveland Frog was said to be in 1955 along the Little Miami…

New Jersey Devil
The New Jersey Devil comes from New Jersey folklore and is said to be a wyvern-like creature with the head of a horse or goat, bat-like wings, and stands on two hooved feet. According to legend, a horrific curse brought the New Jersey Devil to life…

Thetis Lake Monster
The Thetis Lake Monster is a legendary humanoid fish-like creature from British Columbia, Canada. Allegedly, two teenagers claimed to be attacked by a silver, scale-covered biped at the Thetis Lake beach in 1972. One of the boys had a bloody wound…
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