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The eighth expansion of the World of Warcraft online MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game) that is both PVE (player versus environment) which consists of quests that can be completed individually or with others, gathering and…

A MMORPG open-world game that involves questing, building skills and professions. It also offers PVP on designated areas of the map.

An online MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing fantasy game in which players explore the fictional fantasy land of Eorzea and complete quests for NPC’s (non-playable characters). Players can also level up profession skills such as…

A remake of the original World of Warcraft game - an online MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game) that is both PVE (player versus environment) which consists of quests that can be completed individually or with others, gathering and…

An action MMO (massively multiplayer online fantasy/science fiction) first-person shooter game that takes place in a dystopian future Earth where players battle aliens, other players and the environment. This game is the sequel to the original video…
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